Friday, April 22, 2016

Himig's Sensory Table Experience

 Hello :)

How's your summer so far? Himig and I are enjoying our time together for 3 weeks now. 3 more weeks before I officially go back to work again so I'm making sure we spend meaningful time together. I guess that is always every working mom's dilemma.  The feeling of guilt that we never get to spend enough time with our babies. Time is always of the essence. As Himig grows up, I learned that she enjoys the toys not because they are new or expensive. She enjoys them because we play with them together.  So here I am, scouting for more learning and play activities for us to enjoy.

She's 2. A terrific two, who loves to explore and use her senses. Therefore, sensory bins are perfect!

I looked for an affordable sensory table for her. The cheapest I found is around 2000php. Thinking she'll just outgrow it, I searched for DIY solutions. The costing of wooden ones are around 1500-1800, close enough for the store bought one. Till I found out PVC pipes can act as stand too.  YEY!

So after a couple of measurements, here's our DIY sensory table, after spray painting.
Total cost: 400++ :)

Judging by her reaction, this sensory table activity is a success. 
Bubbles+Water+Food Color+Extra Pipes + Funnels = Eye-Hand coordination galore!

Since she enjoyed the water so much, we tried the "Rainbow Rice" bin after a couple of days.

Quiet hesitant to use rice for this project cause I dont want to imply that we are playing with food when other people are getting hungry. But this is the easiest to dye and the texture is amazing. Justifying that, unlike water, this sensory bin can be use over and over (I used food coloring and vinegar for longer shelf life) for about 6 mos. So my 32php 1kilo rice is worth it :) 

I added plastic letters and invited "Peppa and George" for some rainbow bath time.
We invited each letter as we played

 Nothing but pure FUN!

                                See that smile? Weee! My Teacher-Nanay hear is so happy :) 

Looking forward to more learning and fun times with my tot :)

Himig's Chapter 2: The Pre-birthday Book Themed Photoshoot :)

Himig grew up really crazy with books, thus, we chose a book theme shoot for her 2nd birthday. We higlighted 2 of her favorite books- Guess How Much I love You and Are You My Mother. 

Guess How Much I love You describes the love of a dad to her baby. And Are You My Mother is about the quest of a baby bird to find his mom. We also incorporated a fairytale touches by adding bubbles, a whimsical number 2 and a reading quote to the set. All these are D.I.Y.-ed by me :)

Camzar Photography really captured all the happy emotions we felt during the shoot. All the photos show attention to detail and projects warmth to the heart. :)